
Quintral International School promises to deliver an educational experience that balances a deep love and respect for the natural world, solution-oriented critical thinking and problem solving skills, and a true understanding of our interdependence and the value of community. But we cannot do this alone. We are seeking donors from around the world who support our mission and want to help make our dreams come to life. Thank you for considering a tax-deductible gift toward the building and development of our school. When you give to Quintral, you are making an investment in the next generation of leaders and peace-makers.

PHASE 1 (6 months - $50,000): As a brand new school, our initial donations will go toward the transformation of our rental property from a high-end farm-to-table restaurant and garden to a nature-based primary school. We will use these funds to hire and train staff, purchase a dome which will serve as our second classroom, build a deck foundation for our dome, and bring in additional structures in order to enhance student creativity and autonomy during class and while playing freely outside.

PHASE 2 (1 year - $100,000): In our first year as a school we anticipate a smaller number of students and we hope to charge a lower-than-average tuition rate. That said, we still intend to offer competitive salaries to our staff and we do not intend to cut corners on the quality of education, variety of experiences, or quality of nutrition that we supply for our students. In order for this to happen we will need to depend on donations to offset our monthly costs. We will also put this year’s donations toward electronics, science lab equipment, musical instruments, art supplies, reference books and tools for the workshop. 

PHASE 3: (2 years - $200,000): Our dream is to purchase a piece of land in which to build our school a permanent and purpose-built home. Once our school is off the ground and running, we will be turning our fundraising efforts toward the purchase and development of our permanent campus.


(On the third party page we ask for the donation amount and give the option for an annual, monthly or one-time donation. We ask if they want their donation amount and/or name posted and we also give an option to honor or remember someone with their gift.)

As a 501(C)(3) tax-deductible charity, Quintral Patagonia practices full transparency in the use of our funds. Please email to learn more.

What Your Donation Supports in Phase 1

$10 - $500 Donations

- Administrative costs associated with non-profit incorporation

- Marketing costs associated with opening a new school

$500 - $1K Donations

- Trainings and professional development for current and new staff

- Structures and materials for our “forest” that support creative, autonomous, student-led play

- Various school supplies and materials

$1K - $5K Donations

- Labor and materials for the construction of a deck that will serve as the floor of our dome, or second classroom

- Technology resources that give students access to online research and project development

$5K - $20K Donations

- The purchase of a 24-foot/7-meter dome that will serve as our second classroom and will remain the school’s property when we move onto our permanent campus

Naming Opportunities

To be fully realized when we have our permanent campus

$5K - $20K Donations

When you donate $5K - $20K to Quintral Patagonia, we will dedicate a portion of our garden, the heart of our school, to you or your person/place of choice.

$20K - $50K Donations

When you donate $20K - $50K to Quintral Patagonia, you will have either a bench placed or a tree planted in honor of you or a person/place of your choice along with a dedicated plaque.

$50K - $200K+ Donations
When you donate $50K - $200K or more to Quintral Patagonia, we will dedicate a significant space on our campus to you or your person/place of choice with a dedicated plaque. This might include a classroom, outdoor play space, greenhouse, etc.

Please contact us to discuss naming opportunities.

Corporate Matching Programs

Many employees match donations made to 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations. Please consider connecting your cause to corporate matching programs.